Android 10 was an enormous shift for Google within the OS environment. We didn’t just finally get to figure out the long-awaited Dark mode and saw several important changes happening on the app permission front, we also saw the top of an era.
With Android 10, Google brought its tradition to call operating systems behind desserts to a halt.
With every new update, there’s tons of anticipation and excitement among the users and developers. The app owners also anticipate the launch of the newest version and what changes are there within the remake of Android.
Top Seven Android 11 Features:
Messaging with a talk Bubble
Chat Bubble was earlier expected to be a neighborhood of Android 10, however, it couldn’t compute then, hence the feature has been introduced during this latest version i.e. Android 11. Chat Bubble allows the users to access a conversation through a bubble and continue doing other forms of stuff on the mobile, instead of sticking to the chat screen. The user can convert the chat to a talk bubble through the notification screen itself.
Privacy and Security Upgrade
Google has introduced numerous privacy and security upgrades also, shifting from “While app in use” permission to “One-time” permission through the choice “Only this time” for the device camera, the microphone also as location. This feature grants short-lived permission to the appliance to access your data, that’s during a specific session of usage. Also, alongside permission scope, Android 11 extended Android’s defense-in-depth tactics to comparatively more areas than Android 10 and other versions of the platform, adding to the safety and privacy offered to the user.
Support for 5 G-enabled mobiles and Foldable devices
Though businesses were already working towards incorporating 5G networks in their devices and thanks to the pandemic the method has sped up even more. To match the pace Android 11 has not only handed support for the 5G network on the platform but also facilitates the utilization of foldable devices also.
Provides inbuilt Screen Recorder
No more downloading a separate app for screen recording on your mobile and risking your data. Android 11 comes with a built-in Screen recorder, present within the menu of the device, enabling you’ll record your screen at utter ease. Earlier the function was quite buggy, however during this version the feature has not only been improved and developed foolproof but also a further facility of audio recording has been added to form it more functional.
Easy adaptation to different display types
With foldable displays, OS has evolved for smooth optimization. Android 11 adds support for foldable displays that are getting to become popular within the coming years.
Improvements in messaging
Google has been performing on improving the messaging experience of Android users, and they have come up with enhanced messaging within the Android 11 version. Chat bubbles are introduced, and conversations are embedded within the notification center.
One-time permissions for apps
Android 10 has modularized the way permissions were handled on the OS Android 11 further improving this functionality. Users can grant permissions to apps on a per-case basis, which permission is going to be revoked once the app is closed.
What would be the Impact on Your Android App of Android 11?
All of the features mentioned above are to give you an idea of what we might expect from Android 11. We assume it to have more hidden features such as better support for 5G integration, pinhole displays, scoped storage, support for foldable phones, and many more.
Also, keep in mind that some of these features may not cut the final build list. So to make your apps more future-safe, you may want to hire an android app developer. YES IT Labs, one of the leading mobile app development companies in the USA, offers the best customized mobile app development services according to the needs and demands of the clients. Explore the best mobile app development company and let us help you migrate your app to Android 11 and take the full benefit action in advance.