Working with Top Guru Assistants has been a pleasure, and I can see that they are very experienced and know what they are doing. The deliverables that I have received have been excellent, and they always respond to my feedback.
Ruby on Rails (ROR) serves as the acronym for this powerful framework.
Ruby On Rails emerges as a fully-fledged, Pure object-oriented programming language.
Within the framework, Ruby excels at developing the front-end web applications, while Rails takes the lead in crafting the underlying framework.
Ruby is an open-source language that is widely accessible on the web, although its usage is subject to licensing terms.
Positioned as a versatile, general-purpose programming language, Ruby operates as an interpreted language.
Ruby distinguishes itself as a bona fide object-oriented programming language.
Like Python and PERL, Ruby functions as a server-side scripting language.
Ruby finds utility in crafting Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts.
Ruby seamlessly integrates into Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), enhancing web-based functionalities.
The most recent iteration of Rails is Rails 6.0.