

You may wonder what the exact difference is while choosing between a web application and a website. At one point, it’s going to seem that there’s no difference in the least . The definitions are controversial, and sometimes they overlap. Both websites and web applications require access to the internet and both run in browsers, both have a front end and a back end written in the same programming languages. What is more, they both possess such attributes as integration, interactivity, and authentication.
Still, we believe that the difference between web application development and website development not only exists but also is vital to understand clearly when you are looking for an online solution for your business. Web application development is significantly different from the development of a website. YES IT Labs is a Website Development Company that has got you all covered.


What is a Website?
A website is a group of interlinked web pages which have a single domain name and are globally accessible, It is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name.
A website can be developed and maintained by an individual, business, or organization. The website aims to serve a variety of purposes and are informational in nature.
It can also be said that a website represents a centrally managed group of web pages, containing text, images, and all types of multimedia files presented to the attention of the Internet users in an easily accessible way. The World Wide Web is constituted to all the websites that are enabled through the internet.


What is a Web Application?
A web application is an interactive page mainly a software or program which is accessible using any web browser. languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, supported by major browsers are used to create the frontend whereas for the backend any programming stack like LAMP, MEAN, etc could be used. No specific SDK is defined for developing web applications.

Web Applications came to prominence with the advent of Software as a Service (SaaS) movement and allows users to add inputs and get data in many ways via interactions
They are similar to any other apps but with an advantage that it is stored on the internet and can be accessed on a browser. That is why they have a very close relationship with the server as it sends lots of requests to it.


Why do you need a Website?
Website is a basic necessity because:
A website makes you look professional.
It can help you build credibility
Developing a website can be taken as an effective method to showcase your products and services
Developing a website helps you to create your social visibility
Helps you in branding your business
Helps you to achieve your business goals
Allows you to increase your customer support
Why do you need a Web Application?


Web applications are more popular because:
There are no compatibility issues as web applications are easier to maintain as they use the same code in the entire application.
Web applications can be used on any platform, as they all support modern browsers.
Any kind of mobile app store approval is not required for web applications.
Released any time and in any form.
There is no need to set reminders for users to update their applications.
You can access these web applications any time you wish.
You can either make use of the computer or your mobile device to access the required data.
Web-Based Apps are Internet-enabled apps, you aren’t required to download or install them.


Imagine an online tool that not only streamlines your business but also gives a competitive advantage over others. Inspiring, isn’t it?
Technically, web apps are the websites that push their boundaries on aspects of design aesthetics, usability, and value. Developing a website for your business is one of the crucial business decisions for sure. Building a web application creates a whole new stream of possibilities for businesses. Deciding upon what you choose YES IT Labs is a Website Development Company that has got you all covered. YES IT Labs have specifically designed a Discovery process for their clients, where they explore your business and find out the best ways to digitally transform your business.

Despite the popularity and the rising demand for mobile development, web development has been getting a tremendous amount of attention and the technologies are evolving quite rapidly. Javascript’s skyrocketing popularity brings a lot to the table, especially with the rise of new development concepts like Progressive Web Applications, Accelerated Mobile Pages, and Single Page Applications. However, things started to get more complicated, especially for young developers who are just getting started.
The sheer amount of available technologies to choose from, the different functionalities they provide, the differences in each one of them and the fact that there’s no holy grail in web development, nor a one solution fits all, all of this makes it quite scary to embark on a learning journey. A good web app development services USA is all you need to solve your problems.


Frameworks are software abstractions. Abstractions are core concepts devoid of complexities and details. We actually deal with abstractions in our everyday life, not just in software. For example, if you want to drive your car, you don’t need to understand the thermodynamics of the engine and the energy cycles inside or even the complex mechanics of the car, you simply need to steer the wheel.
The benefit of using such abstractions in software is the fact that it helps young developers get into the game quickly and use the generic tools created by professional developers to their own needs and hence they won’t have to reinvent the wheel on every single function that they might have.


Two famous software abstractions are Libraries and Frameworks. Libraries are a group of methods/objects that produce a certain functionality, and that you might use however you see fit, there’s no one way of using it. Frameworks, on the other hand, are stricter structures that function as the skeleton of your application.
Frameworks help you skip the hassle of developing the low-level infrastructure and get right to the business logic of your application which results in a neater and more professional application.


There are fundamentally two categories of frameworks in web development:

Front-end frameworks
front-end frameworks address the client-side development problems and mainly focus on JavaScript or CSS. Nowadays JavaScript frameworks like Vue.JS and Angular are the norm for developing web applications.


Back-end frameworks
Back-end frameworks are responsible for server-side logic implementation. The magic that takes place under the hood and brings your website together. By choosing a web development company to fulfill your requirements, you can better understand the frameworks. How to deal with data, store data, how to manage responses, and so on. There are a few core functionalities of back-end frameworks that we need to understand.


The Django framework was developed by Django Software Foundation and was initially released in 2005. Some of the well-known websites like Mozilla, Pinterest, Instagram, and many more have used Django. Django may be a good framework because it’s light and also has stand-alone features for development and testing. The main purpose of constructing Django was to ease the event of web applications which gets complex over time.


Laravel was developed by Taylor Otwell and was initially released in 2011. It has some of the most upscale features in terms of traffic. It is proficient in developing CMS wherein the development time can be drastically reduced. The developer’s life is easier in terms of superior framework features and other in-built features. So if you are looking at developing web applications the easier way, laravel sure is a safe bet.


CodeIgniter is an application development framework, which may be wont to develop websites using PHP. It is an Open Source framework having a very rich set of functionality, which will increase the speed of website development work.CodeIgniter is ideal for rapid development without the overhead of constantly building reusable components.


Django vs Laravel vs Codeigniter Comparison

you can notice that Laravel’s code is sort of intuitive. Django’s code, on the other hand, seems rather complex, that’s because it uses regular expressions in its routing process, which are not the easiest thing to use, especially with beginners, whereas the entire source code for CodeIgniter framework is close to 2MB. This makes it easy to master CodeIgniter and how it works.


All three communities are very active and responsive.


The world of the web is quite a hostile environment, with attacks and vulnerabilities being exploited all the time, this is why frameworks need to take measures against different attacks, whether SQL injections or cross-site scripting. Django takes security quite seriously and helps developers avoid the common mistakes of web development and implement some security best measures. While Laravel does also cover the fundamentals of security it doesn’t live up to Django’s security level. That’s why, for example, NASA uses Django for their website.CodeIgniter is fairly restrictive regarding which characters it allows in your URI strings in order to help minimize the possibility that malicious data can be passed to your application.


You might not be interested in all the functionalities that a back-end framework has to offer and would rather build a client-rich application with a RESTful API. The beautiful thing about Laravel is that it comes with built-in support for API building, because the queries return JSON by default. Django doesn’t accompany this built-in feature and you’d need to use a library to figure around it and implement an equivalent feature.


Keep in mind that these frameworks support big websites, so there’s no wrong choice to make. It all depends on the software requirements you have and your design. Also, back-end frameworks are quite similar at their core, so it’s not so hard to transition from one framework to a different if you are feeling like working with another framework. However, your decision must still be based on the beneficial features of the programming language and framework that you will use for the website or application. The project requirements are still the overall factor to consider in choosing the web frameworks.
A Web app development Company USA can help you solve all your issues by providing services that fulfill your requirements.
YES IT Labs is a Web app development Company USA that provides web app development services USA and ensures that your software will be able to handle all your daily processes. Personalized software can be as complex or intuitive as you like, and this makes it the ideal choice for businesses of all sizes

Angular JS

AngularJS is a structural framework that can be of helpful in using single-page HTML for declaring dynamic views in web-apps. Put differently, this is a framework that stretches HTML’s syntax in order to let your app’s components be expressed clearly and precisely.There are a range of benefits of this structural framework that make it the tool of choice for modern-day web applications. Google designed it, which happens to be one of its prime advantages. There’s a large community to help new as well as honed developers get over challenging obstacles in their projects. This also means that clients get exactly what they are looking for. Developers also love its dependency injection as well as data binding, as this ensures that a large part of the code that a programmer will write is now eliminated / automated.

YES IT Labs is capable of providing the best AngularJS web development services.

What is AngularJS Used for?

The next question that you might ask is about where AngularJS is used. As mentioned earlier, it can come in handy with any dynamic application.

To clarify that further,

Let us take some of the live examples of popular apps that use AngularJS:

Video Streaming Apps

Who doesn’t know about YouTube? It is an incredible platform for uploading as well as streaming videos. Hence, it will be intriguing for you to note that YouTube’s app for Sony PS3 is developed with AngularJS. Another prime example of a video streaming app using AngularJS is that of Netflix

User-Review Applications

Customers are now extremely keen on reading reviews about a product or service before actually buying it. That helps them be sure about what they are investing their money in. AngularJS can proficiently support such applications. A case in point is the mobile site of GoodFilms, that offers movie reviews to its users.

Travel Apps

AngularJS’s dynamic features can be the perfect match for travel applications. As an example, JetBlue’s website makes use of AngularJS too.

Weather Apps is one of the most renowned weather forecasting applications in the world. You will be pleased to note that it has been built using AngularJS.

User-generated content portals

If you want to create apps that offer user-generated content, AngularJS can again come in handy. Take the example of It is a platform for employers to post their projects and interested candidates to present their profiles for those projects. That website is built using AngularJS.

Improved Design Architecture

Some of our applications contain over 60 components, & they are still easy to manage in spite of new developers joining the project. It gives an idea of the application & its functionality, & it become easy to locate the codes for the AngularJS developers in an easy manner too. So, its has an improved & enhanced design structure in the market!

Promotes Code reusability

Developers can now re-use the codes or the components of the codes written before in different applications, thus making Angular JS development a very unique framework.

Better Plug-and-Play Components

If you wish to add your existing components in a new application, you just need to copy & paste the same into a new one! You are done! It works magically! All assets can be available automatically! Its truly plug-and-play in Angular JS development.

Faster application development

The MVC architecture ensures that application development, testing, & maintenance are fast & easy! It helps in enhancing the productivity of the developers too!

Handles Dependencies

Dependency injection is something Angular JS is famous for, and it does it really well! It shines in two areas, namely testing & single-page application (SPA) design!

Allows Parallel Development

You already know that AngularJS can handle dependencies & coupled with MVC architecture, which allows faster application development, allows the developer to perform parallel application development as well! This is where AngularJS scores over other frameworks!

Allows Controls to Developers

Directives offer developers a free hand to experiment with HTML & attributes & give them complete independence to make their web development process responsive & dynamic! You can test, construct, inject, or do just about anything!

Helps Manage State

Whether illusioned or disillusioned, the application state! It helps you manage just everything really well! On top of that, it helps you manage properties, permissions, and other major concerns across your application awesomely well!

Reasons to Choose AngularJS

So, what are the reasons that you should learn Angular-JS?

Here are some, that might catch your interest:

Quick Started

Getting started with AngularJS is extremely simple. All you need to do is add some attributes to your HTML, and you can have your first, small Angular app in a matter of a few minutes. Isn’t that fascinating?

Time Saving

As mentioned above, all that AngularJS requires you to do is split your application into multiple MVC components. Once you have done that, AngularJS will take over and perform the rest of the functions for you. It saves you of the trouble of writing another code to bind the MVC components together again.

Fewer Codes

Point (2) was one of the examples of how AngularJS reduces the number of codes that you need to write. In addition to that, data models are simpler to write with AngularJS. Moreover, it offers Data Binding. This means that you don’t have to manually put your data in the view. Also, directives in AngularJS are separate from the app code. This means that another team can simultaneously work on that. There are various other avenues where AngularJS can save you coding time.

Data Binding is Easy

Do you remember having created a text property on a model that you needed bound into your UI? You would know that it is a major hassle. With AngularJS, though, this data binding happens sweat-free. Moreover, you will immediately see what you type in the span.

Declarative Expression of UI

Given that the UI with AngularJS is structured, it makes it simpler for you to understand as well as manipulate. It’s worth noting that designers are not programmers. Hence, it is important to make their life simpler. They can learn markup way more easily than programming. Hence, declarative expression of UI makes more sense for your team as well as results for your clients.


YES IT Labs is an AngularJS web development company that ensures that your software will be able to handle all your daily processes. Personalized software can be as complex or intuitive as you like, and this makes it the ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

Woocommerce development company

WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce platform which offers users a free and highly customizable software package through which they can sell all their products.

One distinct advantage of the plugin is that it is open-source, allowing users like you to produce and access a wealth of free, useful modifications.

Almost 43% of online stores across the world use WooCommerce. This is a mystical plugin which allows people to sell physical as well as digital products, manage inventory and shipping, take secure payment and much more. YES IT Labs is a top-rated woocommerce development company in USA with a complete solution.

Like everything, everything has both good and bad faces; similarly, WooCommerce also has a lot of positive things to offer. Nevertheless, it has some negative aspects too. Let’s reveal WooCommerce’s pros and cons to understand both sides of it.

Pros of WooCommerce

Most e-commerce platforms have a series of strong advantages, and WooCommerce is not any different. Here are a couple of reasons to use WooCommerce, not only rather than other WordPress plugins, but also rather than other e-commerce solutions.

Long-term Cost & Value

WooCommerce provides a free plugin that integrates well with other plugins that improve the management of your online store.This implies the center programming is free, yet you may need to pay for some of the new increments or highlights.Individuals who are planning to begin their online business can choose WooCommerce to affect their store with little speculation.


With the increase in cyber security threats, all sites face security challenges. With good web design and development skills, you can use WordPress’s security plugins and updates to make sure your site remains hack-proof.

Security is way more enhanced on a WordPress site than on traditional sites


Online business proprietors can include limitless item records in several classifications with WooCommerce. A lot of subjects are there for the clients, with the goal that site proprietors can customize or modify their sites consistent with their desires.

Also, with WooCommerce, you can sell physical, virtual and even downloadable items. It offers the capacity to acknowledge practically a good range of installments. What’s more, you’ll likewise utilize custom layouts and structures for various classifications utilizing WooCommerce module.

Offer Customization Options

  • You can alter your online store contingent your business necessities with the guide of WooCommerce.
  • It offers a couple of subjects, which might be customized by your decision and therefore the interest of your business.

3rd Party Integrations

WordPress allows for hassle-less integration with social networks. As the site owner, you don’t got to login to your social media account whenever you would like to share fresh content to your online community. The high level of social connectivity offered by WordPress ensures that you simply automatically update your accounts with one click.

Cons of WooCommerce

Every e-commerce platform has natural disadvantages since there’s an inherent tradeoff between control & convenience. You’ll likely find tons of WooCommerce complaints and issues around the Internet.

Here are a couple of of the key disadvantages you’ll find with WooCommerce and using WordPress as a web store generally .

Response rate times and scalability

We’ve come across tons of questions regarding the maximum number of products in the Woocommerce store, provided its page speed results are high. Moreover, what are the wants of the hosting platform so your store works smoothly?

Unfortunately, there’s no definite answer to these questions, as little research has been conducted on the issue. So we decided to do our own test and our findings will be highlighted in our future blog posts.

SEO features

SEO turns out to be the most important issue of the stores on WP and Woocommerce, as many of them don’t provide online store owners with the necessary instruments; they are usually terrible with page doubling, canonical URLs, websites, and URL layout. This often hinders the SEO of the project and leads to excessive spending on software improvement and promotion. As you know, poorly optimised software kills all internet marketing endeavours. Big money risk, heh?

In that situation, we suggest you hire a WooCommerce developer who will conduct a thorough study of the subject, thoroughly examine the SEO characteristics of the stores developed by our team, and provide our expert conclusions on this matter.

Environment for development, debugging and testing

It’s well known that WordPress has some peculiarities as far as the file structure, extensionsand plugin development go. Some of its code and architecture features limit the usage of certain instruments as opposed to popular frameworks like Symfony and Code Igniter, which we experienced earlier.

Compatibility and page speed

  • Existing plugins like ACF and WPML can provide many of the required features for large online stores. However, there’s an assumption that a large quantity of plugins impair a store’s response times, which is often not the case.
  • Our aim is to optimise our Woocommerce toolkit for the right store with the view to achieving compatibility and high response rate times. Similarly, while exploring some popular extensions and plugins, we’ll give our expert feedback and some reflections on their influence on store’s operation as a whole.

Requires paid extensions

WooCommerce may be a free plugin, but there also are many paid extensions, a number of which are essential. For example, the default payment option is PayPal, meaning that if you want to accept credit or debit cards, you’ll need to purchase an extension that supports them.


WooCommerce is the hottest e-commerce option for the most popular CMS (WordPress) for lots of reasons. But it still has plenty of inherent disadvantages for store owners. If it’s a fit, it’s amazing. YES IT Labs is a woocommerce development company in USA, whose WooCommerce developers are specialized in constructing, customizing, and imposing WooCommerce website development services for diverse industries. WooCommerce developers at YES IT Labs are proficient in developing powerful e-commerce stores that have adaptability, built-in components, quality, ideal speed, extensions and add-ons, security, and dependability.

custom software development

In today’s combative world, being exclusive and original will make your company stand out in the crowd and get ahead in the game. And custom software can play a leading role in helping your brand reach new heights. We are a custom software development company which believes that there’s no such thing as perfect software.

What is Custom Software?

Software is generally defined into two categories: packaged or custom. In contrast to packaged software, which is acquired off the shelf and has the same features for everybody, custom software is also known as bespoke software or tailor-made software. Custom software is developed specifically for an organization to accommodate that organization’s preferences and expectations. Custom software is built to fit a company’s specifications and business needs and is different from traditional off-the-shelf software, which is available to a larger audience.

With custom software, you can tell how you want your final product to look and you can expand it as new tools become available. You can start small, with only the core requirements, and then add more features later on.

Top Advantages of Custom Software

Personalization: It’s tailor-made to the specific needs of your enterprise

When it comes to business operations and software development, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. Although there is a lot of high-quality, ready-made software available, there’s a pretty slim probability that it will fit seamlessly into your organization.

Customizing some built-in features of your packaged software might meet a small need, but it can’t be compared to a software solution that has been built from scratch specifically for your business.

When you have software that is designed to do exactly what you want it to do, it helps make your day easier.


Businesses constantly grow; that’s the whole point of starting them in the first place. Custom software is developed with all the changes in mind, whereas off-the-shelf software may not be able to handle the heavy load. Custom software evolves as the company grows.


While developing customer software, the developer will be able to gauge the expertise levels of the users. Moreover, you can address any desired changes in staffing or app usage by creating extra modules or updates. This way, your software can be customised in the direction you want. Technology widens quickly and is always evolving, therefore, choosing custom software is in your best interest, because it can be effectively integrated with the needs and direction of your business.


Development of custom software may be expensive at times, but it proves profitable in the long run. These software does not require constant change or development to suit company requirements and is used without any investment for a long time.

Support and Maintenance

Softwares that get hacked commonly are the most popular ones in the market. Attackers and Hackers are aware of the susceptibility of such software and know where to compromise. Custom-developed software is only used by your team, and the chances of invasion are minimized. You also get a dependable technical support team that was involved in the development process of your application with custom software. They are familiar with your software and may handle any issues that arise along the way.

Competitive Advantage

Custom software is formed exclusively to suit the requirements of your business.

You can get all types of unique features built into the system which your competition might not have. Off-the-shelf software is rigid and you need to align your processes against it. With custom software, you have what you would like, and you’ll specialise in your audience better. This can ensure higher customer satisfaction and more business for you within the long-term.


Every organization has different needs. By using custom software, companies can turn their ideas into reality and obtain an advantage over their rivals, who are still stuck with off-the-shelf solutions.

YES IT Labs may be a Custom software development company that ensures that your software can handle all of your daily processes. Personalized software is often as complex or intuitive as you wish, and this makes it the best choice for businesses of all sizes.

In the current mobile-driven world, even every small business needs to be in numerous channels to promote their business and establish their presence. So that the business can be successful and have a connection with the customers. Mobile apps for businesses will drive more business opportunities, and mobile apps have become a necessity for human lives. Everyone today has an individual smartphone. This leads the business owner to create a mobile app for their business.

Mobile App Development Company helps to express mobile apps as one of the most powerful tools for reaching the target audience in terms of business. Almost every grown-up in the world has a smartphone and this market continues to grow. That is quite a hefty argument as to why you should focus on mobile technology.

Here are the 6 reasons that explain why the business needs the mobile app and how it helps the business be successful on the market.

Be Visible to Customers at All Times

Approximately every American spends more than two hours a day on his or her mobile device. While probably a bulge of applications make up the total of this usage, it doesn’t change the fact that each user has to unlock, scroll, and scan their device for the apps they’re looking for. Being “in the way” can be an advantage to your company, as our mind unconsciously records every image and text it comes across .

Boost your sales

This is a channel by which you can increase the company’s profits. Depending on how large the audience is there can be a significant increase in your business. Through mobile apps, one can directly contact all the users who have installed the app. Another advantage of a mobile application is its ability to make payments. People no longer want to spend time shopping, because the same things can be bought with a mobile phone while at home.

Creates Brand Awareness

The mobile app helps you create brand awareness among your customers. The mobile app should represent your business. A good mobile app will increase your customer base. And it makes the interaction with the customer easier. Also, through the mobile app, you can notify users about your brand, new products, and services using push notifications or ads.

Creates Loyal customers

By letting customers book a table, order food, or pay for their order using the app on their smartphone, the business gets a powerful tool to increase loyalty.You can take full advantage of the personalization tools by sending push notifications about new promotions and discounts. Moreover, you can offer users who have installed the app, access to exclusive offers and special bonuses, which helps build loyal customers

Improves your business for the future

Having a mobile app is not only for current business growth. It also helps you to be ready for future enhancements to be developed or implemented. Technology has grown rapidly, and devices are moving towards IoT and AI-enabled smart devices.

Create a Direct Marketing Channel

Apps are capable of serving many functions, depending on your business process. All the information you’d like to provide to your customers, including special sales and promotions, is right at their fingertips, which is one of the biggest benefits of having a mobile app. By using the push notifications in your app, you can easily remind customers about your products and services.


The points highlighted above are just some of the ways in which you can become a market leader by using a mobile app.

Any product or service must exhibit to solve specific problems and be a contributing factor to the development of a company. Creating a mobile app that fills the gaps in other businesses marketing can adequately assist your company in achieving these goals. YES IT Labs is a mobile app development company that helps you stay tuned to the newest technologies by keeping your mobile apps innovative by making them able to respond to the efficiencies needed to keep them successful.

Custom Ecommerce Software

eCommerce has been on boom for past 10 to 12 years and according to research, online sales are enlarging drastically, having increased by about 15% last year and tending to rise more in the upcoming era. Be it a daily necessity or just a luxurious item, one prefers to buy it through an online shopping website. Moreover, if a person is willing to start a business and wants to boost his sale by selling his goods or services, the most important thing is the E-COMMERCE SITE to capitalize on this explosive online sales growth.

An e-commerce software development company helps you build a solution that enhances the sale by informing the customer about your company, showcasing the products and dealing with online payment methods. However, here are some of the reasons to make your dream come true and to get into action and start your business in a custom eCommerce platform.

Integrations and Plugins

The most important factor a seller should consider while going for a custom eCommerce platform is the plugins and integration. Almost all the websites, such as Myntra, Amazon, and eBay, have plenty of tools to run their business. So, as I mentioned earlier, the plugins are the crucial factors that matter and work best for you. The seller just needs to think about what tools and things are required to be added to the website to make it attractive and increase interaction and sales. The most important thing is to add plugins such as email marketing tools, which assists the buyer in keeping in touch with the seller, and applications to help with the shipment of the orders you receive.

Customized according to the rules

It is very clear that all the companies are not the same and have their own rules and regulations, such as return policy, payment methods, refunding money, etc.; hence,  by customizing the e-commerce solution, one can add his own unique rules, which also helps in attracting more customers.

Moreover, you can also customize the promo codes or coupons and the rules for their application. You can also add the freebie offers and use the code on particular items for a single time and on certain conditions; likewise, by referring to a friend, one can get free shipping or can get discount coupons.

Meeting the unique need of the customers

Customers are not alike and the demands of each person differ, as some customers have unique needs. With the shopping experience, a buyer can create a sense of friendliness and familiarity to meet their demands, and this could be possible through a custom eCommerce website.

If your business is uncommon, your website should reflect its special features and uniqueness, and unfortunately, most of the uncustomized pre-built eCommerce solutions do not favor providing standardized and predictable offerings. In Conclusion, If you want to have a special client experience for the buyers, you have to probably get a customized website.

Staying in touch with the vendors

The best thing about customized eCommerce websites is that you can stay in touch with the inventories and the vendors. As when the business grows, the person needs to maintain a good amount of stock so that he can meet with every demand of the customer. With this customizing feature, when you are running out of stock, the tool can automatically help you generate an order and send it to the vendor, so that there will be no shortage of the desired product.


Starting a new business is a daunting task, but if a person wants to touch the sky and have ambition, an eCommerce website can help him achieve his goals but it can only be possible through a customized website. YES IT Labs is an e-commerce software development company that is capable of providing a wide range of new and innovative products. YES IT Labs is an. Initially, one may not feel the need for a customised eCommerce website but when revenue and sales increase, the need for a website with more and more customizations becomes necessary

IT service provider company

We live in an increasingly outsourced world. Businesses look to third parties to perform tasks and activities—especially those that rely on or utilize information technology. Selecting the right IT vendor is critical to the success of an initiative or an entire business. YES IT Labs is an IT service provider company that has a perfect solution for all your needs.

There are many reasons a business could choose to engage with an IT vendor. Perhaps they have a task that requires a specific skill set not found within their company. Maybe they need to temporarily expand their workforce. In many cases, cost savings are the driver. Businesses find that outsourcing activities is less expensive than developing or hiring a specific skill set. Whatever the reason, engaging with an IT vendor should allow an organization to focus on its core business.

Nowadays, companies rely heavily on Information Technology and Systems (IT/IS) to meet business needs. There are plenty of hot topics in the IT/IS area, and one of them is that to better serve the business processes and people of the company, a mature IT system needs to be established. At the same time, it is common for most companies to outsource their IT services and licenses to IT vendors. Thus, a rationalized and matured system is required for managing IT vendors.

And here the question arises: Should I retain my current IT vendor?

And the solution to this question is that businesses should understand their needs, know their growth strategy, and have realistic milestones and a budget in mind.

Here are the key things we think companies ought to know before outsourcing an IT Vendor.

Be Clear on What You Need

Before you begin searching for a development partner, you need to know exactly what your company needs.
Having a detailed project specification that outlines how your software should function helps avoid any misunderstandings in the development cycle, which can lead to delays.

With a detailed specification in place, the next step is to identify the skills you need to complete the project and evaluate how they compare with the skills of your internal team.

Decide What Type of Outsourcing Is Best for Your Project

Generally speaking, there are three ways to outsource your software development: local, nearshore, and offshore. Each type has its advantages, so it’s worth considering each one in detail before choosing an outsourcing partner.

Offshore outsourcing can help companies reduce costs while maintaining innovation and quality. It enables companies to rescale their teams without establishing new internal infrastructure. The right software development outsourcing partner for your business depends on its needs.

Prepare to Protect Your Intellectual Property (IP)

Before proceeding with an outsourced development project, you may want to meet with a legal team to create a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Confidentiality, especially with a brand-new product, is essential.

Know Your Growth Strategy

Before outsourcing of you have a solid growth strategy in place, it can assist in defining a roadmap for development. It can also help refine the scope of a project and identify what functionality the software may require in the future, even if it isn’t implemented in the initial stages.

Have Realistic Milestones in Mind

In our experience, companies tend to underestimate the quantity of your time a software development project takes. It’s therefore worth having a rough idea of some key milestones in advance and allowing extra time for testing and adjustments. Project milestones need to be realistic, achievable, and measurable.

Know Your Budget, But Also Know It Is Not Everything

The core aim of outsourcing is to have a quality product made by experts. An outsourcing development partner should be chosen depending on the abilities and expertise they will bring to your project to provide a top-tier product.


And after considering all these points, the answer to the question becomes self-explanatory. Software outsourcing is becoming an increasingly common practice in business. YES IT Labs is an IT service provider company that specializes in technologies enabling us to transform raw ideas into intelligent, profitable business solutions. Our expertise extends beyond specific industries; our experience spans across diverse fields, allowing us to offer comprehensive IT services and solutions.

Mobile App Development vs Hybrid App Development

Whenever someone plans to build a mobile application, they face the choice of “native vs hybrid app” and most importantly they are looking for efficient ways to implement the idea.

When it comes to deciding between native and hybrid app development, the debate over which is more profitable in never-ending. There are two main mobile app types: native, and hybrid, which developers can explore for their mobile app development project. All development paths hold inherent value, but the question arises which approach is right for your project?

YES IT Labs is a mobile app development company that provides you with the complete solution.Depending on your overall product goals and business objectives, this decision can make or break the success of your project strategy. A variety of factors for consideration are involved while deciding to build your mobile product as either a native or hybrid app.

In this article, you will study what is the difference is between the native app and hybrid app, find out their pros and cons, and how it affects the overall development process and app performance.

Native vs. hybrid app: What’s the difference?

When talking about the difference between native and hybrid apps the first thing to mention is that the native ones are developed for a specific platform, like iOS or Android. Digging deeper into technical traits, we learn that native apps are built with programming languages that are officially supported by the platform. For Android, those languages are Kotlin and Java, whereas for iOS, Objective-C and Swift.

What about hybrid apps? They are created with the help of web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that are combined. So, hybrid apps are websites put into a native app to look and behave just like them. However, hybrid apps have cross-platform capabilities and use one code base to cover multiple platforms on contrast to native applications.

There is kind of a mess when it comes to explaining what is a hybrid app, what is a cross-platform app, and how these two variables. Truly, they are quite similar to each other but have one slight difference. During the cross-platform app development, programmers can make use of both web technologies. Hybrid app frameworks like Ionic and Xamarin Make this possible and provide developers with more potential when building apps. Apart from this, they are identical and the term ‘hybrid app’ is applicable for both these notions.

So, what do we have? Native apps are created specifically for one platform, while hybrid apps can function across multiple platforms and perform much better despite being websites at their core.

Native Mobile App Development Company provides Native applications that are developed to perform a particular task on a specific mobile platform. Tools (SDK) are used by developers to build native apps only for certain frameworks, hardware, or operating systems. For example, a native app for Android is made with Kotlin using Android SDK. For creating an iOS app, developers mostly use Swift with the iOS SDK.

On the other hand, a hybrid app development company provides hybrid apps built with web technologies like JavaScript, React, Dart, HTML, and CSS. With special plugins, a hybrid app can access all the native platform features and offer similar performance to a native app.

If you wish to make a native app for both Android and iOS, you would like to develop two code bases. Hybrid apps can be theoretically developed for any platform from a single code base is the biggest difference between native app vs. hybrid app.

Guide for Choosing Between Native and Hybrid App Development

Once you analyze the information above, you’re likely to meet many needs for your project, which may include;

You can choose a native mobile application if :

  • Your application needs to be able to work offline as well as online
  • You want the application to be Responsive.
  • The application needs free access to services and resources on the device
  • They use the smallest amount of hardware due to efficient coding.
  • They can access native device functionalities to complement the experience.
  • They can use push notifications to increase the app’s use and encourage specific paths and goals within the app.

You choose a hybrid mobile application if:

  • The app doesn’t require complex animation or calculations
  • Whatever hardware the device offers, the app should also make use of it also.
  • You already have a website and want to build an app in a short time and for the lowest price.
  • They are much quicker to develop because most development is completed using standard web technologies.
  • Building on one base saves resources because developing a single codebase only requires one team and takes less time.
  • They make updates easier to make and deploy.


The outcome is that they are both the best of the best. The success of one native app does not detract from the merits of hybrid development, because for some other products, hybrid may be the backbone of success. However, no matter the architecture you select, we are there to assist you.

YES IT Labs a native mobile app development company and a App development company will help you make the right choice between native vs hybrid development. Contact us and we will help you figure out not only the correct mobile app developing approach but also thoroughly plan your product strategy to the very last development stage.

Magento vs Shopify

Selecting the foremost suitable eCommerce platform for creating, maintaining and managing a web store is of reproving importance because it is often the factor accountable for either success or failure for the business. YES IT Labs provide both Magento development services in USA and Shopify development services in USA.

What is Magento?

Magento is developed by Varien Inc. It is an open-source E-commerce software. It is very useful for online business. It has a flexible modular architecture. It is scalable and it’s many control options that help the user to make both user-friendly and search engine friendly websites. Magento was launched in 2007 and is best known for its flexibility, highly customization, and scalability.

Magento is further divided into 2 editions: Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce.

  • Magento Open Source: It is a free and self-hosted platform that offers functions to help you build and develop a unique online store from the ground up.
  • Magento Commerce: The premium paid edition of Magento is recommended for merchants and developers who are looking for an all-in-one cloud solution to optimize the performance of store websites and boost store sales.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is the most popular & powerful turnkey e-commerce platform that offers an intuitive and professional experience to run an E-store. Shopify is a product that allows business owners to create their online stores without much technical knowledge.

Shopify further provides two options: Shopify and Shopify Plus.

  • Shopify: It is a hosted solution which allows online stores to customize online storefront, run and grow eCommerce business, sell products, etc.
  • Shopify Plus: It is a multi-channel platform which has a higher level of support, customization and other useful features.
    There are, however, some huge fundamental differences between these platforms that you simply should be conscious of before making a comparative evaluation of the two:

Shopify is a paid product, while Magento Open Source is free.

Shopify may be a hosted solution, while Magento requires that you simply provide your hosting. Shopify is more for beginners, with a simple user interface, while Magento is packed with features but more suitable for advanced developers.

Ease of use

When choosing your e-commerce platform, ease of use should be one of your first considerations. It is the fact that after all, you always want to get up and run your online store easily and conveniently. Both Magento and Shopify come with a well-designed and friendly interface.

Pricing Comparison

Shopify is designed as a software-as-a-service hosted by the company, which means users have to pay a monthly fee to access the Shopify software. Shopify also provides15 days of free trial to its customers. Whereas Magento 2, provides users with a free Community Edition and demands a cost that is determined by the specific e-commerce store’s needs and size.

Features Comparison

  • Capabilities: Magento is supported with over 5000 add-on extensions, whereas Shopify only has over 100 apps and add-ons both free and paid.
  • Themes and Templates: Both Shopify and Magento 2 offer a good amount of themes and templates with responsive design.
  • Multi-languages capabilities: Magento 2 has the ease when supporting users with inbuilt multi-languages. On the other hand Shopify doesn’t supply full multilingual capabilities.
  • SEO capabilities: SEO capabilities are optimized for both platforms to assist store sites effectively raise their ranks on search engines and attract more and more traffic.
  • Community: Unlike Shopify, Magento has generated a powerful community for Magento users to debate and share the solutions for issues during configuring the shop site.
  • Security Comparison
    Security is fundamental, in an online business. To keep the sites secure, one needs to ensure that the best security plugins and updates are used on your website. Magento gives you the flexibility to boost the web site security yourself.

Why Choose Magento Over Shopify

If you would like to run a large store, and have a lot of orders and earn many dollars, Magento is healthier for you. If you don’t mind tinkering, or if you have the technical knowledge, you’ll also choose Magento. For free hand over customizations, come with Magento.

Why Choose Shopify Over Magento

If you run a little store or you want to sell some products, Shopify is best. For dropshipping and syncing with multiple online store channels, Shopify is the best. If you’re new eCommerce or website development, opt for Shopify.


YES IT Labs provides the best solution for both Magento development services in USA and Shopify development services in USA. Contact us and we will help you figure out not only the correct mobile app development approach but also thoroughly plan your product strategy to the very last development stage.It’s not all about what people say; you can only learn from their experiences. It all comes down to what your business needs. Magento is great, and so is Shopify. YES IT Labs will help you make the right choice between Magento and Shopify.